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Writer's picture: Lam LinLam Lin

這段時間閉關,心無旁騖的想了很多事情,整理了很多想法。 第一件事解構自己: 整理了全家人由出世到現在的照片、不同時期的作品、還有種種生活瑣碎Data ,記錄自己平日消費習慣與必要支出,和老朋友見面了解他們眼中自己,分析並找出自己的弱項。 第二件事重塑自己: 重新編寫自己生活的方程式,建立針對性的 To Do List & Reading List 包括藝術、音樂、投資、管理、健身、品酒、攝影,撰寫自己的原則和想法,把種種知識揉合到自用的百科全書。 第三件事分析事業: 整理自己公司的財務報表,記錄之前工作和客戶的資料,做一下市場預測,反思自己上一次創業該改善的地方。 第四件事訂立事業方向: 寫了自己事業發展的Proposal,建立自己的網站和Channel,建立穩健而環環相扣 Business Model。 接下來會跟大家分享更多, 希望大家會訂閱我的新 YouTube 頻道和網站。 During this period of retreat, I had a lot of thoughts and sorted out many ideas. The first thing is to deconstruct myself: Organized and backed up photos of my family from birth to the present, personal works from different periods, and various trivial data of life. Recorded my daily consumption habits and necessary expenditures. Met with old friends to understand who am I in their eyes. Analyzed and found my weakness. The second thing is to reinvent myself: Reconstructed my daily routine. Created targeted to-do lists and reading lists, including art, music, investment, management, fitness, liquor, photography. Wrote my own principles and ideas. Incorporated all kinds of knowledge into my personal used Encyclopedia. The third thing is to analyze my career: Organized my company's financial statements. Recorded previous work and customer's data. Made market forecasts. Found out how should I improve from my previous business's failure. The fourth thing is to decide the business direction: Wrote my own career development proposal. Established my website and channel, and established a robust and interlinked business model. I will share more in the coming future. Hope everyone will subscribe to my new YouTube channel and website. & #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #startup #hk #quotes #thoughts #faith #創業 #hkig

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