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一隻屬猴的人馬|A Sagittarius-Monkey

Writer's picture: Lam LinLam Lin

我沒有信仰,對星座生肖更沒有甚麼深入研究。但朋友總是說我很人馬,也有些長輩說很猴,好奇心驅使之下Google 一些簡單的特徵。結果,好吧我認我是典型的一隻屬猴的人馬,也想借這個引子介紹一下自己。




也許這個"猴馬"思維太跳脫的關係。所以在朋友眼中,我是一個過分理性的怪人。他們經常驚訝我在艱苦和困難的關口能把理性凌駕情感,只做自己應做的事而不被感情動搖。只因我會設立一些歪理和原則逼自己遵守 (日後歪理篇再詳細說)。同時在他們眼中我是個會律己以嚴,但同時會待人以寬的佛係怪人。對萬物充滿熱情和好奇,奉信矛盾才是人生真理,認為平衡才是藝術的偽思考家。


I do not know much about zodiac and horoscope. It would be relatable to start off with my friends' perspective of myself. While some of my friends would say I am a very typical Sagittarius, other elders would say my character is very “monkey” like.

I am interested in almost everything such as climbing, skiing, canoeing, martial arts, tennis… I would play any type of sports; watch any type of anime, film, financial report and novel; try anything else, (exclude any poison & wildlife), ... Unsurprisingly, I am also curious about different industries. I would like to know various working styles and both the pain and joy of these industries. 

You can describe me as an “unrestrained” person. Once I have settled my work and task. I can buy a flight ticket and travel right away if I wish. I am comfortable to travel alone or with anyone. Furthermore, I prefer to not have a travel itinerary. It would be great to have an impromptu experience with people and things. I could talk to a stranger for the whole day. I could play with wild dogs and cats. As long as I feel that it is worth for me to do, I would give my best.

When I was younger, I clearly knew that I love creating things. From sketching in primary school to studying fashion design in university and working in the creative industry. I am truly blessed to have a start-up company, a path created by myself. Sometimes, I feel the urge to create things, anything that can express my feelings and reflection. Either drawing a sketch or singing a song would do. Knowing there's no need to bear any burden and I am sure it would be easier to meet those who share similar feelings.

Perhaps the mindset of this Sagittarius-Monkey is too jumpy and spontaneous. I am always seen as an over-rational person. The people around me are surprised that I could stay rational and not being affected by emotions regardless of the seemingly tough moments. This is all because I have set some ridiculous rules for myself… (share next time). In my friends’ eyes, I may be a weirdo who is strict on himself while lenient with others. While I hold my passion and curiosity, I also believe contradiction is the source of truth and balance is the ultimate art. Let me continue to pretend to be a life philosopher...

After all, having someone who understands yourself is more than enough. Having another one would be a very lucky thing. Hope I could have friends who understand each other here...

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