那你想走多遠 | How far do you want to go
在這兩個月無間段式24/7工作後,難得終於能放自己一日假休息。 . 可是,回憶有時候就是會突然跑出來,有一種莫名的懷緬與唏噓。回顧現在,發現父母年老了,朋友也好久沒見了,自己也變得陌生了。 . 經常告誡自己休息的我又被打倒。忍不住跑一早回公司把過去的照片整理,分類,備份。 . 同時經常告誡自己放假不要碰任何工作的我又再被打倒。看到email和客戶短訊時又不禁follow up 和工作。 . 一邊工作一邊看著照片,我問那個3歲的林年駿: 「我能走得多遠? 」 . 他答「那你想走多遠?」
After working 24/7 in these two months, I finally get a chance to take a day off. . However, sometimes the memories will pop up from nowhere, there is an inexplicable yearn and sorrow. In retrospect, I find that my parents are getting old, I haven't met up my friends for a long time, and I feel like I am unfamiliar with myself. . I often warn myself to take a good rest and I am beaten again. Can't help but get back to the office early to filter, sort, and back up past photos. . At the same time, I often tell myself that I mustn’t touch any work when I am day off. No surprise, I am defeated. When I saw the email and message from my customer, I couldn't help but follow up and work again. . Looking at the photo while working, I asked the 3-year-old Lin: "How far can I go?". "How far do you want to go?" He said.